Ten Natural Herbs That Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure, Unclog Your Arteries and More

During the summer of 2001 I had the wonderful opportunity to be part of an ongoing clinical herbal trial here in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, where I qualified to participate because I happen to have high blood pressure. My blood pressure can range anywhere from 145 points to as high as 175 points at times. When I first came into and began the trial, my blood pressure was taken and read at 165 over 95 plus.

I've learned from participating in this clinical trial and doing some further research that specific herbs can help lower your blood pressure in a natural way.

At the start of the trial, I was asked and instructed by the participating naturopathic doctor to take every day, an organic liquid herbal extract that included ten herbs (see list below). I was directed to take 15 drops under my tongue three times a day for the time duration of the trial for 2 months. I was also asked to take note of any changes I might sense or be aware of during the time as well.

The liquid herbal blend tasted absolutely horrible where I could hardly take it... but I persevered and took the required amount that I was asked to take. After a few days, it didn't seem to taste quite as bad, as I guess I started to get used to it. I had the sense that because it tasted so strong, it had to be maybe doing something and hopefully it was good!

After the two months time period, I was again seen by the naturopathic doctor who tested my blood pressure three times.

I was quite pleasantly surprised to learn that my blood pressure had actually dropped 24 points. I hadn't done anything differently with my life-style other than take this liquid herbal extract as asked. I had also noticed other benefits that I felt pretty soon after taking the herbal blend. I quickly felt an overall sense of well-being and later noticed that an ongoing problem I've had with heart-burn wasn't as prevalent and had almost disappeared. I was also sleeping better.

I've since learned that some of these ten herbs can also help to naturally unclog the plaque in your arteries as well.

I find it exciting to know that these herbs can offer some alternative help to the many evasive drugs that are often prescribed to folks who have no other alternative. I am happy to share an alternative that may help others as they have helped me.

Here is the list of the ten herbs that I was asked to take on the trial:

Please note that many other benefits may be known for some of this list of herbs - I've pretty much listed the benefits specifically related to lowering high blood pressure and general cardiovascular heart health.

• Garlic (Allium sativum)

Has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties, drains fluid congestion. Prevents and dissolves clots, lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol. Garlic can protect against infectious organisms like viruses, bacteria and fungi and blocks the enzymes that enable organisms to enter the tissue. It increases the enzymes that can detoxify cancer triggers. Garlic works as an anticoagulant to inhibit blood clotting and to lower blood pressure, by widening the blood vessels and encouraging good circulation. It is believed that Garlic may also facilitate less cholesterol being released into the blood. All of these factors make Garlic a good nutrient for prevention of heart disease and other heart-related issues.

• Hawthorn (Crataegus oxyacantha)

Helps estore and stimulate the heart and arterial circulation Regulates and balances the whole cardiovascular system. Hawthorn can help treat heart disease related symptoms. Considered by herbalists to be the world's best cardiac tonic. Used for beginning heart disease, mild heart-muscle weakness, angina, and arrhythmia. Hawthorn promotes healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels by relaxing blood vessels, increasing metabolism in the heart muscle, and improving blood supply to the heart. Also used for sleeplessness, nervousness, poor digestion, and weight control.

• Coleus (Coleus Forskohlii)

Helps lowers high blood pressure, positive inotropic action on heart, increases force of contraction Ideally suited for treatment of mild congestive heart failure Works synergetically with other herbs, potent inhibitor of human platelet aggregation. Coleus has been traditionally used to treat high blood pressure and other benefits include help in losing weight, improving digestion and nutrient absorption, fighting cancer, and immune system support.

• Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca)

Is a circulatory stimulant, can help lower blood pressure, is a sedative and nerve tonic. It also regulates blood pressure and rapid heartbeat and tones the heart. Tests show that it treats heart disease effectively by reducing cholesterol levels. It also treats menstrual irregularities and the symptoms of menopause.

• Bilberry (Vaccinium Myrtillus)

Very good for eyes (night vision) inhibits macular degeneration of the eye Inhibits growth of bacterial cells and dilates blood vessels. Bilberry keeps the blood vessels healthy. The compounds contained in the bilberry, notably the anthocyanosides, have been shown to help fortify blood vessel walls, thereby aiding circulation and increasing blood flow.

• Butchers Broom (Ruscus aculeatus)

Helps keep blood from forming clots, reduces vascular permeability, assists circulation. It narrows blood vessels and can relieve the discomfort of circulatory conditions such as chronic venus insufficiency and varicose veins. It also relieves related symptoms such as cramping, itching, numbness and swelling.

• Mistletoe (Viscumalbum)

For arterial hypertension can help lower high blood pressure and has been shown to affect blood pressure central arteries in the brain. It's good for high blood pressure, cancer and a fast heart rate from feeling nervous. It may also be used to improve the immune system. This system protects your body from infection.

• Kelp (Laminaria digitata)

Used mainly for the iodine and effect it has on the thyroid gland and is a sustainer to the nervous system and the brain. Kelp is also very rich in vitamins, nutrients and minerals that it works wonderfully as an all around every day vitamin.

• Ginger (Zingiber Oficinale)

Helps improves digestion, can help improve liver function, nervine, thins blood and lowers cholesterol Stimulates circulation, especially to extremities. It particularly inhibits cholesterol production in the liver, which makes up to 85% of the cholesterol in circulation in the blood stream. Ginger also decreases the activity of plate-activating factor (PAF), a clotting agent that creates the clot that can result in heart attack of stroke.

• Cayenne Capsicum annuum)

Equalizes the blood flow in the body, enhances the effect of other herbs Stimulates body and organs properly so that they heal, cleanse, and begin to function normally. It helps regulate the heart and blood pressure. It can improve blood circulation and normalize both high and low blood pressure. It apparently increases heart action without increasing blood pressure.

 Orion Herbs Co. was established in January of 1998 and has been in business in our current Miami Beach Location since 2004. Our company was founded to provide the highest quality medicinal herbs and supplements, initially for a single acupuncture office, later developing a wholesale network to other healthcare practitioners. Over the years Orion Herbs has expanded with a signature line of herbal tinctures, developed by Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel and based on his 25 years of clinical experience.



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