Meditation: A Simple and Quick Way to Reduce Stress


Meditation can remove the stress you have been experiencing throughout the day, and bring inner peace. Learn how to easily practice meditation when you need it most.

If stress is making you nervous, agitated, or anxious, consider trying meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can help you regain calm and inner peace.

Anyone can practice meditation, as it is simple, inexpensive, and requires no special equipment.

And you can practice meditation anywhere you are — whether you're walking outside, riding the bus, waiting at the doctor's office, or even if you're in the middle of a tough business meeting.

Understanding Meditation

Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation was originally intended to help deepen the understanding of the sacred and mystical life forces. These days, meditation is commonly used to relax and reduce stress.

Meditation is a type of complementary medicine for the mind and body. Meditation can create a deep state of relaxation and a sense of peace.

As you meditate, you focus your attention, clearing out the string of cluttered thoughts that can crowd your mind and cause stress. This process may improve physical and emotional health.

Meditation benefits

Meditation can provide a sense of calm, peace, and balance that can benefit both your mental and general health.

These benefits do not end with the end of the meditation sessions. Meditation can help you stay calmer throughout the day and control symptoms of certain medical conditions.

Meditation and mental health

When you meditate, you erase the extra information that accumulates every day and causes you stress.

The psychological benefits of meditation include:

·         Gain a new perspective on stressful situations

·         Building stress management skills

·         Increase self-awareness

·         Focus on the present

·         Reduce negative feelings

·         Increase imagination and creativity

·         Increase patience and tolerance

Meditation and illness

Meditation can be helpful if you have a health condition, especially one that can be exacerbated by stress.

While a growing body of scientific research supports the health benefits of meditation, some researchers believe that it is not possible to draw conclusions about the potential benefits of meditation.

With that in mind, some research suggests that meditation may help people manage symptoms of conditions such as:

·         worry

·         asthma

·         cancer

·         chronic pain

·         Depression

·         heart disease

·         Hypertension

·         irritable bowel syndrome

·         sleep problems

·         tension headache

Be sure to consult your health care provider about the advantages and disadvantages of using meditation if you have any of these or other health issues. In some cases, meditation can exacerbate symptoms associated with certain mental and physical conditions.

Meditation isn't a substitute for traditional medical treatments, but it may be useful as an add-on to your other treatments.

types of meditation

Meditation is an umbrella term for many methods used to achieve a state of relaxation. There are many types of meditation and relaxation techniques that have components of meditation. They all share the same goal of achieving inner peace.

Meditation techniques include:

·         Guided meditation. Sometimes called imagery or guided imagery, this method of meditation helps you form mental images of places or situations in which you feel relaxed.

You try to use as many of your senses as possible, such as smell, sight, hearing, and touch. You may be directed through this process by a mentor or mentor.

·         Meditate a mantra. In this type of meditation, you silently repeat a relaxing word, thought, or phrase to prevent thoughts from getting distracted.

·         Meditation wisdom. This type of meditation is based on the presence of mind or having more awareness and acceptance of living in the present moment.

In wisdom meditation, the amount of perceptual awareness is expanded. In it, you focus on how you feel during meditation, such as the flow of your breath. You can notice your thoughts and feelings, but let them pass without judging any of them.

·         Chi Kung system. This practice generally combines meditation, relaxation, physical movement and breathing exercises to restore and maintain balance. Chi Kung is a part of traditional Chinese medicine.

·         Tai Chi. It is a form of Chinese light martial art. In tai chi, you perform a series of self-paced poses or movements in a slow and graceful way while breathing deeply.

·         Transcendental Meditation®. Transcendental Meditation is a simple and natural technique. In it, a personally specific slogan, such as a word, sound or phrase, is silently repeated in a special way.

This type of meditation can allow the body to settle into a state of deep rest and relaxation and the mind to find a state of inner peace, without the need for concentration or effort.

·         Yoga. While practicing yoga, a variety of postures and breathing control exercises are performed in order to achieve greater physical flexibility and psychological peace. As you move through pauses that require balance and focus, you are encouraged to focus less on your daily chores and more on the moment.


Orion Herbs Co. was established in January of 1998, and has been in business in our current Miami Beach Location since 2004. Our company was founded to provide the highest quality medicinal herbs and supplements, initially for a single acupuncture office, later developing a wholesale network to other healthcare practitioners. Over the years Orion Herbs has expanded with a signature line of herbal tinctures, developed by Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel and based on his 25 years of clinical experience.

Daily ways to practice meditation

Don't let the thought and meditation of the "correct" way overburden you. If you choose to meditate correctly, you can enroll in private meditation centers or group classes led by trained teachers. But you can also easily meditate in your own way.

You can practice meditation in a traditional or non-traditional way as you like, and in the form that suits your lifestyle and situation. Meditation is a part of everyday life for some people. For example, they might meditate for an hour at the beginning or end of the day. But what you really need is a few minutes of quiet to meditate.

Here are some ways to practice meditation on your own, whenever you want:

·         Breathe deeply. This method is good for beginners, because breathing is a natural function.

Focus your entire attention on the breath. Focus on feeling and listening for the inhale and exhale through the nose. Then breathe deeply and slowly. When your attention shifts, gently redirect your attention to your breathing.

·         Examine your body. When using this technique, focus attention on different parts of the body. Be aware of different body sensations, whether it's pain, tension, warmth, or relaxation.

Combine body scanning with breathing exercises and visualize the heat of breathing or relaxation inside and outside of different areas of the body.

·         Repeat logo. You can come up with your logo whether it is religious or secular. Examples of religious emblems include the Jesus prayer in Christian traditions, the sacred name of God in Judaism, or the umm symbol in the emblems of Hinduism, Buddhism, and other eastern religions.

·         Walking and meditation. Combining walking with meditation is an effective and healthy way to relax. You can use this method anywhere you walk, such as walking in a quiet forest, on a city sidewalk, or in a shopping complex.

When using this technique, slow down your walking pace so you can focus on each movement of your legs or feet. Don't focus on a specific destination. Concentrate on the legs and feet, repeating in your mind movement words such as "lift," "move," and "position" for each leg lift; Move your leg forward, and place your foot on the floor.

·         Engage in prayer. Dua is the best known and most practiced example of meditation. Spoken and written supplications are found in most religious traditions.

You can pray using your own words or by reading supplications written by others. Check the self-help section of your local bookstore to find examples. Talk to the clergy to inquire about possible resources.

·         Reading and reflection. Many people say that they benefit from reading poems or sacred texts, and taking a few moments to reflect on their meaning.

You can also listen to sacred chants, spoken prayers, or religious songs that you find calming or inspiring. You may want to submit your ideas to a journal or discuss them with an inspiring friend or leader.

·         Focus feelings of love and gratitude. In this type of meditation, you focus your attention on an image or sacred object while weaving feelings of love, empathy, and gratitude into your thoughts. You can also close your eyes and use your imagination or stare at what the picture looks like.

Building meditation skills

Don't convince yourself that you lack the ability to meditate subtly, as this can lead to increased stress. Meditation takes practice.

Keep in mind, for example, that mind wandering during meditation is common, regardless of your experience with meditation. If you've been meditating with the goal of calming your mind but your attention is distracted, slowly redirect your attention toward what you were originally focusing on, whether it's a physical object around you, a feeling, or a movement.

You can experiment, and you may discover the types of meditation that are most beneficial and enjoyable for you. Adjust your meditation style to your current needs. Remember that there are no right or wrong ways to meditate. What is important is that meditation helps you feel better overall and relieve stress.

Orion Herbs Co. provides the highest quality medicinal herbs and supplements, in Miami Beach since 2004. It is developed by Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel and based on his 40 years of clinical experience.





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