Spiritual Meditation

 Spiritual meditation known by the foreign term Meditation is a mental state that a person reaches through intellectual spiritual exercises he performs and through which he is able to free himself and himself from fears, tensions, disturbances, negative thoughts and bad habits, and gets rid of many sick physical and psychological conditions.

Through spiritual meditation, a person reaches a state of relaxation of the body, soul, and mind, and he can observe and contemplate his thoughts, his ordinary mind, and his feelings and control them. In this case, man sees reality and existence naturally and as it is without falsification and bias due to selfishness, greed and senses, as he sees things with insight and not with sight and rises above his selfishness that occupies his ordinary mind in daily life.

Spiritual meditation has existed since antiquity in different civilizations and has spread widely in the Western world with the cultural openness in recent years. Today, it has become an important need for man to confront the problems and challenges of modern life and maintain his balance and his physical, psychological and spiritual health.

Through scientific and medical research conducted in this field, it was found that the percentage of oxygen consumption among meditators decreased by 17%, as well as the number of heart rates decreased, and the percentage of brain waves of the type of Tita increased, as in the case before sleep.

It was also found that the practitioners of spiritual meditation live in a state of psychological calm and inner peace with themselves and permanent reassurance much more than ordinary people, and that their mood is calm, tolerant and kind, and they have conviction and moderation in their lives. Researches have confirmed that many benefits are obtained for a person who practices meditation, especially intellectual and mental, as the concentration of thought is strengthened and the various mental abilities of thinking, concentration, analysis and memorization are strengthened. And remembering helps to recover quickly from diseases and weakens the need for the use of medicines, as well as increases the strength of immunity in practitioners at a higher rate than others.

Without practicing meditation exercises, a person cannot delve into the depths of himself and realize what he is and know himself.

Spiritual meditation is the perfect way and the royal path to liberate the human soul from its constraints in the world of matter, changes, illusions, decay and annihilation. It is a hidden spiritual ladder as it extends from earth to heaven, from bottom to top, from changing to fixed, from temporal to eternal, from darkness to light, from ignorance to knowledge, from pain to happiness, from error to truth, and from slavery to freedom .

Meditation methods and exercises are old in time as they developed in many ancient civilizations in the world and spread with time between countries and peoples. It can be divided into three groups:

1- The first group: includes concentration and relaxation exercises and leads to calm and stillness of the mind, and this case has a positive effect on physical, psychological and mental health even after the end of the exercise for a long time.

2- The second group: includes the exercises of deep meditation and development that lead to strengthening and awakening the layers of the subconscious mind and then lead to a profound change in the patterns, characteristics and habits of the personality of the person practicing these exercises. Likewise, man was able to look at things with insight, not with sight, in a comprehensive, deep and objective manner, away from superficiality, selfishness, greed, and senses.

3- The third group: includes exercises to awaken, flow, and control forces, energy and life centers in humans. Its goal is not only a permanent health during a person’s life, but a radical change of lifestyles - habits and methods - in his personality and liberation of himself and himself from evils and greed and everything that hinders his development to reach the essence of the mind, the higher mind and enlightenment during his spiritual journey in existence and its fluctuations in roles and ages. This ultimately leads to wisdom, spirituality, spiritual liberation of the human being from matter and body, and liberation from the wheel of life and death, whereby man stays in a spiritual, not material, elevated existence. (The earthly material existence is three-dimensional - length - width - height - and this is one of the degrees of lower existence - there are worlds of four, five or more dimensions that are difficult to perceive.)

Practicing spiritual meditation:

1- Sit in a completely quiet, clean and comfortable room. You can also exercise in nature or by the sea. You have to be alone without being disturbed by any source - person - telephone - television - radio - and so on.

2- It is preferable that your clothes be comfortable without any pressure on the body in a cold climate. Put a cover on you so that you do not get cold.

3- Do not exercise immediately after eating, wait an hour or more.

4- You can exercise at any time convenient for you during the day or night. But the best hours for exercise are between 4-6 a.m. at sunrise and sunset.

5- When sitting, head towards the north or east to exploit the positive magnetic energy.

6- Sitting position: It is better to sit upright, but if that is difficult for you, you can sit on a comfortable chair or seat so that the spine is as erect as possible - the sitting position should be comfortable without tension in the body or pressure. In special cases, you can practice lying on your back, relaxing, but still awake - rest your hands on your knees or one on top of the other in your lower abdomen.

7- The duration of the exercise is between a quarter of an hour and an hour.

8- It is important to practice daily and persevere in it until you get the benefits and results.

9- You can do the exercise with your eyes closed or with your eyes open. Most meditation methods prefer to exercise with closed eyes.

10- Beginning of the exercise: focus awareness on the process of breathing - inhale and exhale - reflect with your mind the air you breathe. Breathe deeply several times and then breathe normally. The process of breathing is the secret of life, and it is the relationship of the body with the mind, and human life is cut off without it - and it is the link between man and the cosmic and divine energy.

With each exhale release the tension and aches inside you - breathe a deep sigh of relief until you reach relaxation, both physically and psychologically.

Meditate on everything that goes on and on in your mind without stopping or holding or association with an idea or an object or anything - make everything run like clouds and you are like a steady sky watching the flow of things from above - staying in this state is the essence of the exercise.

If a subject preoccupies you - then focus your awareness and thought on breathing again until you are free from what concerns you - and so on until you are cut off from the outside world and alone with yourself and live with your inner and inner world - until you reach control of your body, mind and soul after years of practice, practice and perseverance.

Spiritual meditation - is to be in a state of stillness and calm and to live in a state of peace with ourselves above all else. Man is like earth and sky. Physical envy is the earth, the mind is the sky, thoughts are the clouds. Ordinary mind - below - is like the lower sky with clouds close to the earth. The higher mind - the highest - is the highest heaven.

Who is meditating on a person? And what is he contemplating? The meditator is the essence of the mind – the higher or higher intellect – which is our true and immutable nature, the spiritual and divine element in our being, who we are and who we are. He who contemplates the ordinary, simple and changing mind, which stores thoughts, feelings, and whims.

In practicing meditation exercises, we have to reach a field state, being with the essence of the mind, which is us, and then we meditate and look with insight on the ordinary mind from a neutral position without attachment to something - an idea and others - and without judging something where we put selfishness, thoughts and feelings aside and live with our essential self - our true nature A state of stillness, peace, happiness and eternity.

There is another way in addition to breathing - in order to focus the thought at the beginning of the exercise - which is to focus on a specific thing - for example - a flower or a beautiful picture - or a candle or a requistal - or a picture of a spiritual guide and so on - what is important to help you reach the state of meditation easily and quickly.

A third way that is also used is the Mantra - widespread in India, Tibet and among the Sufis - and it is summarized in the repetition of the word - saying - lesson - sentence - many times and its goal is to reach the state of the higher mind, and it is considered a protective and guarding it from different influences from the ordinary mind where the thoughts that hover It is there all the time without interruption - and it helps the practitioner to practice meditation correctly, quickly and usefully.

The mantra and its repetition lead to the connection with the higher mind through the abstraction of the voice emanating from the depths of the heart, where energy flows through the sound from the heart to the mind and this has a great positive effect on the human being physically, psychologically, mentally and spiritually.

Meditation is a means, not a goal. A goal is a state of continuous existence. Clarity, reassurance and inner peace, and the most important thing is the state of not being attached to anything - the state of feeling freedom - and liberation from everything that hinders man from reaching the higher mind and its essence, which is his essential nature, its basis and its source, where the two become one - because man and his higher mind are one and complete and not separate.

Spiritual contemplation is not an escape from the world or life, but on the contrary, because through meditation, a person lives a better and happier life, where the rate of tension, violence and disease is very low and rare, and these are goals that most people aspire to in all countries, places and times.

What hinders and impedes the practice of spiritual meditation exercises?

1- Time: There may not be enough or inappropriate time. With the will and a correct division of time, it is possible to devote a quarter of an hour or more to the exercise.

2- Loss of the idea of ​​concentration: At first it is difficult to focus awareness and thought for a long time, but faith in the goal and perseverance help to strengthen focus and for a longer period.

3- Boredom, restlessness, turmoil and doubts: In these cases, you can take a short break for a minute or two, as well as with the will and continuous exercise to cross these cases successfully.

4- Sleeping while exercising: It is therefore preferable to exercise in a sitting position.

5- Aches, pains and annoying situations:

Some tips and instructions for coping with the difficulties of exercise time:

1- Knowing the problem or difficulty

2- Don't be confused by it, try to release it and get rid of it gradually with exhalation

3- Smile and laugh at the problem and continue the exercise.

4- Commitment to exercise, firmness and determination to continue.

5- Patience helps a lot to progress towards the goal and achieve it.

6- Changing the sitting position Sit in a more comfortable position than before, for example, use a pillow and so on.

From the sayings of the wise men of spiritual meditation:

(A person who does not meditate is like a blind man who lives in the world of colors and shapes.

(The best gift that a person can give to himself in his life is the practice of spiritual meditation)

Meditation is the language of silence, the language of silence is the language of spirituality, for silence and meditation there is a power and energy that is much stronger than speech and the present.

Meditation frees a person from fear, anxiety, anger, illness, turmoil, tension, violence, and harm towards himself and others.

Spiritual meditation has become within reach in the present era and is suitable for all people and is not limited only to sages, scholars, saints, righteous people and prophets, as it was in previous periods.

Pay attention: watch your intentions because they become your thoughts

Pay attention to your thoughts because they become your words.

Pay attention to your words because they turn into your actions.

Pay attention to your actions as they become your habits.

Pay attention to your habits, because they become your character

Pay attention to your personality as it transforms into your destiny.


Orion Herbs Co. was established in January of 1998, and has been in business in our current Miami Beach Location since 2004. Our company was founded to provide the highest quality medicinal herbs and supplements, initially for a single acupuncture office, later developing a wholesale network to other healthcare practitioners. Over the years Orion Herbs has expanded with a signature line of herbal tinctures, developed by Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel and based on his 25 years of clinical experience.


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