Spiritual Meditation - Strategies to Help You Acquire Healing Power

You seekers of spiritual power through meditation keep changing schools and books and barely reach the spiritual experiences of meditation and spiritual development. Here are some spiritual thoughts to give support for growth in their thoughts.


Many people come to share with me who have lost a lot of money, time, and life in school to seeking spiritual power and books read and books for meditation, spiritual power, but reaches no experience. Now he feels this is a fraud and nothing more. This applies to applicants for moderate spiritual power through thought practice. They have no patience and want an immediate evolution in the preliminary stages of the practice.


Fundamentals of spiritual growth through the practice of meditation.


1. Mild, medium, and high meditation is the difference in the experience of spiritual power and spiritual growth through the practice of spiritual meditation. People who make a moderate amount of practice of spiritual meditation is bound to be slow to evolve through the experience of spiritual meditation.


2. Small, medium, and large attachment to worldly goods and subjects make a difference in the experience of growth through the practice of meditation. The researcher of power, which is more attached to worldly goods and topics may be slow to experience the evolution through the practice of meditation.


3. Mild, moderate, and intense dedication to the pride and the idea of individualism that makes the difference in the experience of meditation practice. Applicants with a strong commitment to pride and the idea of individualism, are slower to experience the practice of meditation.


4. Number mild, moderate, and strong effects of power will be spiritual growth through the practice of meditation. The growth of the candidates who have the desire to be thin, have to be slow to power through the experience of meditation.


5. The light, medium, and a large amount of faith in the meditation is the difference in the experience of spiritual growth through the practice of spiritual meditation. An applicant who has bad faith, believe in meditation, is bound to be slow to spiritual evolution through the experience of meditation


The following applicants' thought and growth through meditation practice is generally slow and requires patience.


1. Sickness or disease in the body due to physical problems.

2. The lack of interest. Mental laziness or apathy is due to the weakness of the mind.

3. Doubt or hesitation of nature. It will continue to generate thoughts in the discussion.

4. Carelessness or negligence of nature.

5. Idleness or laziness, because of physical weakness. That makes the body heavy and lifeless and the state of inertia.

6. Checking defects in the physical senses.

7. Misconceptions or living in illusions.

8. Disability is what we have achieved.

9. Inability to monitor progress in deep meditation.


In the above situation, the applicant has not come looking for quick results. It must review its lack of action to address

Meditation is an excellent tool to stay centered through it all. This simple practice can bring a sense of presence into your day-to-day life, help bring clarity and ease to the mind.


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