The Best Herbs For a Harder Erection Naturally and Quickly

 If you have erectile dysfunction or an inability to hold an erection for a long period of time, you can use the herbs enclosed to get a harder erection quickly and naturally. Let's take a look at them...

So why do so many men fail to get a hard erection when they appear in good health?

Normally it's down to blood circulation to and into the penis. A hard erection relies on an increased flow of blood being sent to the sex organs where it then enters and pools in the penis and a hard erection is the visible result. Any man who suffers from poor sexual performance, will probably have poor blood circulation.

Other problems include low levels of testosterone, high stress levels and low energy levels.

The herbs below will help you get a hard erection and will improve your overall health at the same time:

Epimedium Grandiflorum Extract - "Horny Goat Weed"

Horny goat weed works as an adaptogen to reduce stress and also increases testosterone levels in the body. The herb also contains icariin, which is a cGMP-specific PDE5 inhibitor which has the same effect of like the synthetic prescription drugs. Finally horny Goat Weed increases nitric oxide production; an erection is mediated by nitric oxide which allows more blood to enter the penis and swell it to form an erection, if you don't produce enough nitric oxide no erection will occur - you need this chemical!


Cnidium increases nitric oxide levels and acts as a PDE5 inhibitor in addition; it also improves blood circulation around the body and to the pelvic region.

Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba

These two well known Chinese tonic herbs help to improve blood circulation throughout the body and keep the blood vessels healthy, they also improve mood, fight stress and increase overall body energy.

Mucuna Pruriens Extract

The high levels of l-dopa help to stimulate increased testosterone production. The herb also inhibits prolactin, increased levels of prolactin are the cause of a huge number of erection failures (up to 70%) in normally healthy men.

Tribulus Terrestris Extract

The ultimate energy and stamina herb which has long been a favorite of serious sportsmen and its main effect is to dramatically increase testosterone production. The herb also contains protodioscin which improves sexual desire and improves erectile function.

Herbs for Hard Erections and Better Overall Health

The herbs above can get you a hard erection but you can see that that they also benefit overall health so you get more from sex and more from life. You will find them in all the best herbal sex pills so try them, there natural, safe and a far better alternative to synthetic drugs.

Orion Herbs Co. was established in January of 1998, and has been in business in our current Miami Beach Location since 2004. Our company was founded to provide the highest quality medicinal herbs and supplements, initially for a single acupuncture office, later developing a wholesale network to other healthcare practitioners. Over the years Orion Herbs has expanded with a signature line of herbal tinctures, developed by Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel and based on his 25 years of clinical experience.


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