Common Health Problems You Can Treat With Herbs and Spices

 Natural herbs and spices have long been used as cures to all sorts of health problems. They cure your ailment fast while nourishing your body with essential nutrients. So the next time you think that you're coming down with something, go all natural and use common herbs and spices as a remedy.


1. Headache


If you're suffering from a headache, allspice is a good natural remedy to try. It is an analgesic which means it is a natural pain reliever because it helps numbs the nerves. Allspice is also known to be a relaxant which can help calm your mind and body. You can also try the herb feverfew which is also very beneficial for preventing and treating headaches, migraines and fevers.


2. Nausea


Feeling nauseous? Have a warm cup of fresh ginger tea, sip on ginger ale or chew on fresh ginger. This common household spice is proven to be very effective in relieving nausea and digestive problems and is even safe to use during pregnancy.


3. Cough


Thyme is the herb you are looking for if you have a cough or sore throat. It has powerful anti-microbial properties and contains thymol and carvacrol which help loosen phlegm. Mix warm water with 1 tablespoon fresh or 1 teaspoon dried thyme. Let steep for 10 minutes then strain. Drink 3 cups of thyme tea a day for best results.


4. Cold


If you have a cold, rub a few drops of peppermint or eucalyptus oil on your chest for instant relief. Their cooling effect will help soothe colds. You can also try sipping on peppermint tea to relieve congestion. Keep in mind, though, that eucalyptus can be toxic therefore it should not be ingested without first diluting it.


5. Indigestion


Digestion problems can be cured by caraway, dill or fennel as they all have powerful carminative properties which means that they help get rid of bloating and gas. Try to chew 1/2 teaspoon of any of these seeds or make a tea using these seeds to cure problems with digestion.


6. Joint Pain


Suffering from arthritis? Make it a habit to use turmeric in your daily meals. This healing spice contains curcumin, an active ingredient that has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is proven to be effective in relieving joint pain and arthritis


7. Allergies


Allergies like hay fever can be treated with an herb called butterbur. It can help reduce the swelling of your nasal passage without the drowsiness. To be sure, consult with a health professional first before ingesting butterbur as its long term effects have not yet been studied.


8. Stress


Sit down and relax with a warm cup of lavender tea in hand. This powerful herb is most popular for being a stress-buster on top of helping reduce anxiety and irritability, promoting calmness and relaxation in the body and stimulating the immune system.


Keep these healing herbs and spices in your cupboard at all times and you're sure to be in tip top shape.

Orion Herbs Co. provides the highest quality medicinal herbs and supplements in Miami Beach since 2004. It is developed by Daniel J. Atchison-Nevel and based on his 40 years of clinical experience.


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